Violent Seduction - Hera Dress (Gothic) @
The Epiphany
Violent Seduction - Hera Gloves (Black) @
The Epiphany
tram D427 hair
Violent Seduction - Hera Veil @
The Epiphany
Violent Seduction - Hera Tiara (Black) @
The Epiphany
Violent Seduction - Hera Ring (Red) @
The Epiphany
.random.Matter. - Thailin Ears - Elfie
.::Supernatural::. Laura Set
anxiety %heart of glass [white]
Air_Soubi (rose)_A (3Li)_red_CM
Air_Soubi (rose)_A (3Li)_mono white_CM
Persefona Floating Petals for Roses 11
Persefona Sparkles AddON