CHU-ING. Dalcomi look. (Maitreya) RARE @ The Arcade
Lagom - Lazy socks
Bonbon - level up! - hair B RARE @ The Arcade
CHU-ING. Dalcomi look. Headband Mint @ The Arcade
CHU-ING. Kill me, Heal me. Pills Yellow
{S0NG} :: Yokubo Eyes
:: MOMOCHUU :: Love You Tattoo Blusher
:: MOMOCHUU :: GENUS applier - Kamo - Blusher
ALTAIR* cuddly bed .white+pink.
Insomnia Angel TCH gift *{( konpeitou )}* Lunatic*Dream - teddy bear (sorry not for sale)
Insomnia Angel TCH gift *{( konpeitou )}* Lunatic*Dream - teddy rabbit (sorry not for sale)
Insomnia Angel. glass bow
Insomnia Angel . fluffy backpack
Insomnia Angel . sleeping princess babydoll
Insomnia Angel . vamp lingerie
Insomnia Angel . Agemizawa - baby bottle juice
:: MOMOCHUU :: Octopus sausage Doll @ Flora event
DISORDERLY. / Glow Stacks / Hexagonal / spheres
DISORDERLY. / Glow Stacks / Triangle / spheres
Lagom - Decora walk in [Midpiece Pink] RARE
.Florix. Crystal Rain - WHITE - Cylinder
-Nomi- Bubble Party-Bubble window @ The Arcade