[Cubic Cherry]x
[CX] - {Dooboo} Top
{Collar}[CX] Osseous Species Collar
{Nips}[CX] +
.TeaBunny. Nips Gone Wild
{Body chain}[CX] Mucronate Chains
{Socks}[CX] Legwraps
{Shoes}[CX] Implant Revived-Hammered Iron
{Make}[CX] Trixy Make-Up Set ( CATWA )
=Zenith= secret agent hat (Black)
little bones. King - The Dark
Insomnia Angel . sorcery nails bento
-DRD- Villa rouge - FULL SET PG f
{Deco}TCH gift *{( konpeitou )}* Lunatic*Dream - teddy bear
Persefona Floating Roses with Petals (big pack 2)