Hair - aa*Hair - NAGOMI
Tops - **Honey*Soul**Tabatha-Sweater
Skin - more more. coco skin RARE1_milk (catwa)
Face tattoo - NEO** : Lovin' U Catwa HUD - Snow
Eye - NINI:3 Moca collection
Nail - [MG]Japanese style nail - Happy New Year GIFT
Pose - andika[Tempo dolce]bento pose
Deco - *N*Bell & Berrys Lease
Deco - andika[Tempo dolce]
Okinawa Winter Festival 2017
Dec,16 2017 ▶▶ Jan,16 2018
Deco - Tsuru`s Artefacts - 1 - Lights on a string
Deco - Tsuru`s Artefacts - 2 - Sticks and stones
Deco - Tsuru`s Artefacts - 4 - Snowman with balloon
There are a lot of very splendid works!
We wait for much arrival!
紅 KURENAI -AsianFashionBimonthly-
Deco - *ionic* Fenced Table
Deco - {iD} KaufhauS
@{iD} & :: hsh ::
Deco - Apple Fall Farrow Wall Kit - Seasonal
@Apple Fall